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The "Emergency flight by Rega" to Switzerland
(13.10.2022 with RegaJet «Challenger» CL 604)

We arrived in Accra in September and at the beginning all was fine. After some says my pains and bleeding stated again and I went to the NYAHO Medical Center in Accra where I was again hospitalized They could stop the bleeding but it went worse again and I decided to fine a way back to Switzerland. A commercial flight was not feasible and I contacted Rega via Kurt (my Son) To my surprise, the jet (Captain & Crew Urs Nagel,) picked me up on 13.10.2022 at 10:00 and we flew via Palma de Mallorca ) picking up the 2nd passenger, to Zürich. By ambulance I was brought to the Triemli Hospital. Another couple of operation later and a stay the the Reha Clinic Seewis a new problem occurred and I went back to the Triemli and Waid Hospital. I was discharged 22.02.2023 and hope for the last time!? to Captain Nagel & his Crew many thank for taking good care of me and the Rega Organization

The "Medical Trip" to Switzerland II
(June - September 2022-2024)

The Trip started OK and I was looking forward to my appointment in the Waid (Hospital) Urologic on Monday. On the way to the Waid Hospital in an UBER we got a phone call that the appointment is canceled! Not good at all! Since I had scheduled meetings with my siblings, my classmates from Secondary School (1957 - about 60) and with my friends from RIETER & JOSSI (2001 -2015). I finished these tasks but pains became unbearable and blood loss difficult to contain. I had to check -In at the Emergency Ward of the Waid Hospital. I was soon transferred to the sister Hospital (Triemli) where they made the first operation (Kidney outlet) This went on for 10 weeks and 7 more corrections (under anesthesia) and followed by considerable pain and discomfort. Because I was a carrier of a multi resistant organism, (not my wive!), I was kept in an isolated single room. Not to bad only the food...

After 10 weeks the doctors, nurses and food handlers had enough seen of me and after final operation, which in my understanding should have been made 1 year ago at the Hospital in Baden or Triemli (I visited both). Nevertheless a made it (12.09.2022), after some problems with booking canceled flights, to Accra via Amsterdam. Thanks to all the Doctors, Nursing Staff and others which helped me to keep my spirits up!...

Situation Report 2024 (Documentformat: .odt)